State of Doge 3

Where we are at

These posts aim to provide a little progress update on milestones or things completed.

Parser Work

The parser has been enhanced with expression support for more operators:

Which makes foo bigger 5 now a valid dogescript statement.

With this addition and the modification for assignment operators on first token, things that were limited to very x is y can now exist without the very statement.

This introduction of qualifying on is as a top level token also introduces a challenge due to the ambiguity between is->= and is->===.

Expression support was also added to the rly control flow keyword, which gives us the ability to write:

rly plz foo thx

Transforming it to

if(foo()) {


But wait a second, what’s this thx token???.

Things we’ve added


That’s a new token which indicates that a function call with or without arguments should be ended with a ) without a breaking line.

This is different from using & which adds a )\n to the expression.

Prior to this, we would have chained call code that looked something like this:

plz foo&
.plz baz&
.plz bar



Now, with the introduction of recursive parsing and the thx keyword, chained function calls can be a single line!

plz foo thx .plz bar thx .plz baz

Converted to:


While the usage of thx might seem silly in this case, where we saw a need for this was during control flow execution, as it makes it more clear when arguments end:

rly plz fib with 5 thx bigger 6


if (fib(5) > 6) {


While using the &: rly plz fib with 5& bigger 6 would yield

if ( fib(5)
> 6) {


Why not just make & not append a new line? Well, we considered that changing the format would be a bit non-passive (now your whole new line is missing) and we didn’t want to change the resulting output.

Property Acccessors

A while ago some suggestions for operators that replace the . and [x] property accession were proposed.

Well, we finally implemented them!

The first one is giv which replaces the . operator, document giv window -> document.window.

The second operator is for array style (or map style) property access, levl. array level 0 -> array[0].

Both operators can be the result of an assignment, or can be used to assign values!

Things we’ve fixed

What we’ll focus on

Now that we have expression support in control flow, there’s a couple of things we need to wrap up:

  • make all control flow statements stop relying on the controlFlowParser function (and use the same parsing function as everything else)
  • add more support for expressions that were used in control flow only (as , next)
  • Address the ambiguity of much

With that last point, we’ll also be looking at making function invocations support nested calls:

We’ll also focus on better tokenization approaches:

With those improvements out of the way, we’ll be in a good spot to start adding more keywords to support class declarations, and everything that comes with them.

If you have ideas for other keywords:

Feel free to drop a comment on those issues.

Published: March 10 2019