Progress Update 2

Progress Update 2019-02

Where we are at

These posts aim to provide a little progress update on milestones or things completed.

Parser Work

The parser has been reworked to be recursive! The first feature that is going to take advantage of this is support of obj without being declared in the same statement as very

With recursion, comes a set of unforseen problems, which we’ll have to address and work around (even if in a less than ideal manner).

The biggest one is the determination of closing the statement. Since our parser is built to parse on a per line basis, we can’t assume that the current line is the last input it will receive. Which forces us to assume when a ; should be included.

We currently do it when:

  • a very token is seen, we assume it’s a single line variable declaration.
    • except when declaring an obj (we already keep track of this)
  • when a function invocation is seen (plz or dose) unless the argument or function have a & (chaining)

An explicit next can be used to force a ;, which is only suppored in the much (for loop) case.

So, in the recursive flow, we have to keep track of what state we’re in (chaining/multiline object) and check if it’s appropriate to insert a ; or not.

The second challenge introduced by recursion is the usage of isDogescriptSource, where we determine if we can handle the tokens or not. A discussion on its removal can be found here

This function lets us determine whether we can process things or not, if we can’t we just return what was given to us. This currently lets us seaminglessly integrate js and djs. However, as we expand on the tokens that currently are not supported outside of control flow (bigger amongst other comparison operators), this function will start to lose it’s usefulness.

Removing it would make us lose the ability to do:

var multiline is `
plz console.loge with multiline

Which might brake passivity with the 2.4 version. An alternative to this is to introduce a nodoge / dogeon construct to explicitly have js supported. We can also potentially fix part of the unsupported bits with a re-write of the tokenizer logic

So, our introduction of recursion was beneficial but will come with its challenges.

Things we’ve fixed

What we’ll focus on

Support for the operators outside of control flow, which will let us remove the special logic we do with rly/notrly/but and defer to recursively handling the tokens.



Carry over from last month.

Published: February 10 2019

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